The Angel Network Durban was approached to help Smanga, a 14 year old who walks from the township where he lives, every Saturday, to volunteer his time at the Toti SPCAs Edu-Paw programme, helping to educate the other children on how to care for their dogs. He stays in a tin shack outside of his mother’s house and his shack, containing all of his belongings was burned by boys from the school who were bullying him. He was left only with the clothes on his back.
Smanga’s life has always been difficult. His mother lost her job as she was too sick with TB to work. Although she receives a government grant to assist with Smanga and his 7 siblings, it doesn’t go very far. His dad died when he was 3 years old, from lung disease, having worked at a chemical plant and their living conditions are atrocious.
The Angel Network were able to raise R15 000 for Smanga and thanks to the generosity and kindness of fellow South Africans, a trust has been set up in his name. Mediation has taken place between Smanga and the bullies and they are now all friends and moving forward.
To donate or contact us for more info on this person, please mail Glynne