Our Philosophy

We provide a portal to offer help wherever help is needed, by giving a hand UP, rather than a handout to those in need.

Our Vision

With the support of The Angel Network, our beneficiaries can reach their full potential and become contributing members of society

Our Mission

To alleviate poverty and social injustices by working with communities and empowering them to reach their full potential.

Support Us

Through SnapScan, Credit Card, Walletdoc, Monthly Debit Order or direct EFT, your support can make a big difference.

Our Latest 2024 Campaigns

Mother's Day 2024

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and for those lucky enough to have your mom in your life, it’s a special day to acknowledge all that she means to you. For millions of mothers in our country, it’s just another day of battling to put food on the table. SO… this year why not gift your mom with a beautiful gift certificate explaining that in lieu of a gift, a struggling mom will be able to feed her family for 2 weeks. Instead of a Mother’s Day lunch, your R400 will provide meals for a hungry family. It’s showing that you care and helping someone in need feel acknowledged and remembered. Isn’t that what Mother’s Day is for?❤️ Email your msg with the recipients email address to glynne@theangelnetwork.co.za or WhatsApp it to 083 777 1621

The Angel Network FNB 6272 6312 391 Ref Mother’s Day OR http://Www.walletdoc.com/pay/angel Ref Mother’s Day

Mandela Day Projects
Today was a really good day to have a really good day.
Our bodies are sore but our hearts are SO full. What a rewarding and resounding success today was.
Mandela Day 2023 at DP World Wanderers stadium.
We celebrated the legacy that was our great statesman, Nelson Mandela.
We sang
We danced
We packed food packs and household contents
We made sandwiches
We cut fabric for towels and blankets
We engaged with awesome people who gave back and made a difference to so many.
Today 36 homes, an ECD center, and a soup kitchen were built in Orange Farm thanks to our incredibly generous donors. In the weeks to come, 6 more homes will be built in KZN.
Thank you
Alan Menachemson
Blue Label
Citibank Sandton
Hudaco Trading
Gratitude too to our sponsors who never say no
Agt Foods Africa, Chamdor Krugersdorp
JB Recording Studios
DJ’s Deli
Johnson Workwear
LITA Water
Medi Response
Orit’s Bakery
Shattered Glass
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day
The Crazy Store
Whitehouse & Continental Linen
Special thanks to Michelle Gordon of Finer Details Events Management cc who went above and above the call of duty to ensure that everything ran smoothly, very often working till way into the night and then again early the next morning, to Adam Pelkowitz of The Media Distillery for being one of the nicest people and spending long days and nights producing amazing design and video footage. Jono Leaf-Wright is not the CEO of Lions Cricket for no reason. He is truly an incredible human being who just gets things done so effortlessly and makes everyone feel special. Jonathan Birin, David Opperman and Clemance Tsomondo were sensational in providing the most fabulous entertainment, our volunteers who never turn down an opportunity to give back and make a difference, and our partners in today’s event, Fingertips of Africa, Yehuda Lazarus and Mami Morwa – WE DID IT! And always, always to Hayley Dorfman Glasser and Lindi Markowitz Katzoff without whom we’d be nothing.
Today we came together to celebrate the spirit of Ubuntu. We were reminded that success is not only measured by profit and growth but by the difference we make to the lives of others and that our true worth lies in the positive impact we have in the world.
We will sleep better tonight knowing that thousands of people will be warmer and less hungry because so many people care.
May we continue, together, to build a world where kindness, empathy, and solidarity are the foundations of our shared humanity, for it is only through our collective efforts that we can truly change the world
Today will remain in our hearts and memory forever
If you could save a life, would you?

Driven by the spirit of Ubuntu and caring for one another, The Angel Network works to alleviate poverty and social injustice by offering a hand UP to communities and individuals in need. May is World Hunger Month, shining the spotlight on the millions who still suffer from starvation. We implore you to stand UP, show UP and Uplift those in need. It’s UP to all of us to make a difference. So let’s join forces and together raise R2 500 000 at our UPcoming Fundnation charity drive.

If you could save a life, would you? It’s so simple, you can! 

Here’s how: Visit our campaign page https://fundnation.org/theangelnetwork




6272 6312 391

Reference: Fundnation





Please share our campaign far and wide!

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’ – Helen Keller

2022 Campaigns
With Love from the People of South Africa to the People of Ukraine
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine grinds on past the six months mark, and the tragic toll on civilians mounts, the ordinary people of South Africa are sending a symbolic gesture of friendship and humanitarian relief to the people of Ukraine.
Social Entrepreneur Howard Sackstein, who coordinated the effort said that “the people of South Africa could not stand by and ignore the plight of innocent civilians caught in the fighting after the Russian invasion of Ukraine”.
“We realized that civilians were being trapped in bombed and smoldering buildings and Ukrainian fire fighters just did not have sufficient fire suits to rescue people,” said Sackstein. “We launched a campaign to allow ordinary South Africans to contribute to humanitarian relief to save civilian lives.”
People from all across the spectrum contributed towards this effort and well over R1-million was raised to support the project.
This week, 60 South African-manufactured fire-fighting suits be sent from here and shipped to the people of Ukraine.
“It would have been easier, faster and cheaper to buy the equipment in Europe and ship it across the border into Ukraine, but that would have diluted the message,” said Sackstein. “We are proud South Africans, so we wanted to make sure that the fire-fighting suits were manufactured in South Africa, by South Africans, creating South African jobs with South African money. We wanted this to be a personal gesture from the People of South Africa with Love to the People of Ukraine,” he said.
The Angel Network was instrumental in this process. The Network is best known for its feeding schemes in South Africa during Covid and for humanitarian relief for shack-fire victims in squatter communities.
“The people of South Africa have such big hearts,” said Glynne Wolman, founder of the Angel Network. “We heard the cry of the Ukrainian people and we couldn’t remain silent in the face of the humanitarian disaster faced by so many innocent victims and refugees.”
“We were delighted to partner with ordinary South Africans who were determined that our local civilians’ compassion and empathy would be heard across the oceans,” she said. “This is the true spirit of ‘Ubuntu’, caring for each other, caring for strangers and making sure that the heart of the people of South Africa should be a moral pulse for the world.”
The Ukrainian Ambassador to South Africa, Her Excellency Liubov Abravitova, was on hand to receive the donation. “We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of concern love and empathy we have received from the people of South Africa,” she said. “It is clear that South Africans equate their struggle for freedom with our struggle for independence and freedom in the face of the brutal Russian invasion of our country.
“We appreciate that the people of South Africa share in our values and stand for morality and justice. Ukraine was at the forefront of the struggle for freedom in South Africa, many of the ANC’s liberation fighters were trained and educated in Ukraine and we are so grateful that South Africans have felt moved to help us during our time of need,” said the Ambassador.
As the shipment of fire-fighting equipment leaves South African shores as a gesture of solidarity, many in Ukraine still suffer under the constant barrage of bombs and missile attacks. Millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes, churches have been destroyed, schools have been bombed and civilians have borne the brunt of Russia’s invasion.
South Africans can feel proud and comforted, knowing that South Africans donated, manufactured and exported fire-fighting equipment will shortly be used to save the lives of so many people whose entire existence has been shattered by war.
Help us purchase 2000 pairs of school shoes for children in need

Thousands of children walk miles to get to school everyday, barefoot. By helping us reach our target to donate 2000 pairs of school shoes, we can get a little closer to ensuring that South Africa’s children go barefoot no more!

Help us collect 6700 non-perishable food items for Mandela Day

Did you know that a May 2021 survey revealed that as many as 10 million adults and nearly 3 million children experience perpetual hunger daily in South Africa? Sadly, Covid has exacerbated the situation.

With Mandela Day just around the corner, we feel it is vital to collect non-perishable food items in his honour. He always believed that the children are our future and without food they can do nothing. That said, our aim this Mandela Day is to collect 6 700 non-perishable food items nationally and we are appealing to organisations and individuals to collect as many of these items as possible. We would be so grateful if you would come on board.

Desperate Funds Required for Thandeka - Amputee and Paraplegic

The funds raised so far are phenomenal but sadly they will only cover medical expenses for 3 months.

If you are in a position to assist, we implore you to consider making a donation. No amount is too big or too small.

UKAN make a difference in Ukraine!

The invasion of Ukraine has presented Europe with its greatest humanitarian crisis since World War II. We cannot sit back and do nothing.

As Eli Wiesel said “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference”.

UKAN make a difference in UKRAINE!

While we may feel that as individuals we are not able to offer any meaningful help to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, if we work together and combine our efforts, we can indeed make a significant difference.

Being so geographically far from Ukraine, the only way in which we as South Africans can offer aid, is by sending money to assist in the supplying of food and other essentials such as medicine as well as transport and accommodation  for the thousands of displaced men, women and children.

Together with Ukrainian Ambassador, Liubov Abravitova, who has established a Humanitarian Relief Fund, The Angel Network will be raising money to provide much needed aid to Ukraine.

Please help us help Ukraine. No amount is too small. Collectively we will be able to make a meaningful contribution to help alleviate some of the pain and suffering in Ukraine.

Banking Details :
The Angel Network
6272 6312 391
Reference: Ukraine

We need your help to keep the homeless warm this winter
It’s that time of year where many of us get cosy under our electric blankets or warm ourselves with hot water bottles and thermal underwear.
Sadly, for hundreds of thousands of people, the approach of winter is terrifying when home is a park bench or a piece of cardboard on the pavement.
Please help us provide some comfort to so many so that they too can feel cosy, warm and remembered during the coming cold months.
Aussie Mom & The Angel Network open Sammy D's Soup Kitchen
There have been many moments that have taken our breath away but nothing comes close to what we experienced today at the official opening of Sammy D’s kitchen.
Smiling faces, warm hearts, open hands and a melodious choir formed a guard of honour to welcome us and we felt overwhelmingly touched and honoured to be there.
Sammy D’s kitchen was made possible by love, kindness and generosity after Belinda Daniels and Louise Fisher collaborated to crochet and sell the most special dolls which communities all over Australia rallied round to support. In so doing, they raised well over R100 000 which will provide 3 000 people with 3 hot meals 3 x a week for a very long time to come. All this has been done to honour the memory of Belinda, Edwin and Carly Daniels beloved son and brother, Sammy, who passed away tragically 8 years ago at just 21.
The community of Driezik 10 are just incredible. They live peacefully and proudly and every home and garden is kept immaculate. We spent an unbelievable morning with unforgettable people who opened our eyes to real generosity of spirit, gratitude and appreciation. We feel so humbled and lucky to be a part of this truly heartwarming community.
Thank you Clive Mashishi for being a giant of a man and doing so much for so many. Thank you Ayanda and Nosipo for taking on the soup kitchen. Thank you Ilan Ossendrywer of Soweto & Other Townships Tours with Photojournalist Ilan Ossendryver for getting us there and back safely and for taking some unbelievable videos and photos. We are so grateful.
2021 Campaigns
Glynne Wolman & The Angel Network awarded the Humanitarian Award

The ABSA Jewish Achiever Awards, which has been recognising and celebrating phenomenal contributions and achievements within South Africa for the past 21 years, hosted another award ceremony last night entitled “Painting a masterpiece of hope”

The 9 categories (ABSA Business Icon Award, ABSA Business Leadership Award, ABSA Professional Excellence Award, Entrepreneur Award, Community Service Award, Europcar Women Leadership Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Arts, Sports, Science & Culture Award and the Humanitarian Award) seek to recognise people who brought hope to our country during these tough times.

Glynne Wolman and The Angel Network were awarded the Humanitarian Award, which is bestowed upon ‘a person who has contributed substantially to the betterment of the lives of the people of South Africa’. Glynne accepted the awarded on behalf of a team that she is fiercely proud of and privileged to work with, Hayley Glasser and Lindi Katzoff in Johannesburg who have been with The Angel Netwotk since day one, Tanya Altshuler and Rachel Kinloch who run the KwaZulu Natal branch and Melanie Levy, Terri Marks, Dalia Katz and Janene Nates who run the Western Cape branch. Glynne dedicated the award to “all the selfless community leaders on the ground we are so fortunate to work with and who teach us daily about generosity of spirit. They are the true heroes”.

What an absolute honour and privilege it is to be involved with this organization, and be able to work alongside a TEAM of such committed and dynamic women, all striving towards making a difference in the lives of others and #ConnectingKindness

Incredible donation saves thousands

Through a generous donor in the community, the SAJBD established a Food Relief Fund in May 2020.  The funds were to be used to bring relief to those left hungry by the COVID lockdown in the country.

The SAJBD partnered with the Angel Network to ensure that the funds were responsibly and effectively utilised and that food relief would go directly to those in need.  The Angel Network, active in 3 provinces with excellent networks throughout different parts of our society, provided us with the right infrastructure to distribute these funds.

In addition to this, through generous donors of the Jewish community, combined with the  SAJBD Food Fund, R20 million has already been given towards alleviating hunger during COVID.

Working closely with the Angel Network, beneficiaries have received food in all nine provinces of the country.  Relief has been distributed in rural and urban environments as well as to  vulnerable communities such as refugees and child and granny headed households.

Every request was assessed to ensure that it was legitimate and help was given, depending on the specific need.

The SAJBD – Angel Network partnership has made a critical contribution to hunger relief in South Africa during this difficult time.

Sign up to donate monthly
Launch of Gauteng Together

Following the President’s April 9th announcement extending the COVID-19 lock down to the end of April, with its obvious impact on our economy, there’s a growing concern that millions of South Africans could starve. It has prompted organisations across the country to mobilise to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

Today marks the launch of Gauteng Together initiative which brings together THE ANGEL NETWORK, The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, and a number of other seasoned NPOs and members of the public to combat hunger across Johannesburg. The project replicates the already successful Cape Town initiative, with some added Gauteng flair.

The goal of Gauteng Together is to mobilise Community Action Networks (CANs) across Gauteng to assist those in need during this difficult time. Each CAN will be organised at neighbourhood level and joined to the Gauteng Together network. Suburbs will be paired with informal settlements and townships to connect needs and capacity across the city.

The organisation’s short term goals are to alleviate hunger and meet people’s most basic needs during lockdown, and in the weeks and months to come. But long term, the aim is to build sustainable partnerships across the province.

To make this initiative work, they need all neighbourhoods to get involved and set up their own Community Action Network (CAN), each of which will have a dedicated Whatsapp channel of communication, and an administrator to oversee and coordinate the process. Gauteng Together will provide detailed guidelines for how to set up a CAN, and will always be available to assist, collaborate, brainstorm, and share knowledge.

If you are in Gauteng, and you would like to help, you can do so by:

  1. Volunteering to administrator a Community Action Network (CAN) in your area which involves taking responsibility for your neighbourhood and its efforts to help, and working alongside the informal settlements paired with your neighbourhood.
  2. Signing up to be part of a Community Action Network (CAN), assisting your neighbourhood administrator to meet the needs in your neighbourhood, and the informal settlement paired with your neighbourhood.

People can also sign up for assistance by contacting their neighbourhood’s CAN team.

While we may be apart, we can be a part, together.

For more information visit the Gauteng Together facebook page, or the contact details below.


NPO: 181-947 PBO: 930064016
Website: www.theangelnetwork.co.za
Facebook: @angelnetworksa

For more information contact:

Glynne Wolman – +27 83 777 1621

Should you prefer to make a donation towards food parcels as opposed to joining a CAN our bank details are:

The Angel Network

FNB 6272 6312 391 

Code 250655


We URGENTLY need your help to REBUILDSA

The Angel Network together with HopeSA are getting a cargo truck and plane to KwaZulu Natal. We need to fill them with staple foodstuff – mielie meal, beans, oil, sugar, spices, salt, samp, tea, long life milk, flour, lentils, soya, as well as baby formula & nappies. Community policing forums will be helping us distribute around Isipingo Hills, Pietermaritzburg, Tongaat, Phoenix, Chatsworth & other hard hit areas.

There will be a truck in Morningside JHB tomorrow (16 July 2021) from 8am-5pm.
Contact Glynne on 083 777 1621 glynne@theangelnetwork.co.za
Hayley on 082 829 1626 hayley@theangelnetwork.co.za
Or Justine on 082 871 3227 justine@theangelnetwork.co.za
for further info & address details.


If you are unable to deliver goods we would be so grateful if you make a donation towards these staples or fuel. Click here to use any one of our many payment options.

Please use the reference EMERGENCY.

How CAN works
This a Cape Town EXAMPLE

Dalia from TAN CT Exec is part of the Gardens CAN and put this up today on FB

Dear family and friends

I have joined the Gardens CAN, and we have been paired with the Nyanga CAN, and together we are collaborating to support the needs of the community.

We currently have 2 initiatives:

1) Yebofresh Food Parcels – “Groceries for all”:
The aim is to raise funding for over 100 families in Nyanga in 5days!

You can help by:
1) Purchase a family food basket
2) Share the initiative with friends, neighbors, and family!
3) Join our Instagram page to get live updates on all initiatives running
4) Stay safe and well!

2) Food Collection Drive – “Food for All”
We are supporting 2 Soup kitchens to feed the children and the elderly of the Nyanga Community

1) You will find “food collection” boxes at the Garden’s Centre outside Woolworths and PnP, and at the Derry Str Spar in Vredehoek
2) Please pop an item listed on the flyer in one of the boxes when you next go shopping…
3) The content of the boxes is collected daily by one of our Garden’s CAN members
4) The items are sanitised, and delivered to Nyanga for the 2 soup kitchens

Thank you to the Gardens CAN Graphic designer, Reene Rossouw, who designed these.

Gauteng CAN

Gauteng can is a rapidly developing community-based response to COVID-19 and it’s growing every day! Gauteng aims to inspire ordinary people in every community to form local Community Action Networks or CANs. Gauteng can wants to help communities self-organise to take action at the neighbourhood level to educate each other on accurate information, support the most vulnerable and high-risk residents, and share ideas and resources with other CANs across the province.

Donations needed to help during COVID-19 crisis

At a time like this, we are all being called upon to assist in any way we can. Medical and emergency personnel are being stretched to their limit, as are SAPS and the army. Let us all, from the comfort of our home, dig deep right now, if we are in a position to, and help where help is needed. We never know when we may be the ones needing help.

We have 3 appeals currently –
– loaves of unopened bread and spreads (not fish paste or peanut butter) for thousands of starving children
– masks and gloves for medical and emergency personnel
– emergency fund to enable us to continue helping our beneficiaries

This is where your donations in the past 4 days have gone to:
– R40 000 – SA Harvest
– R5 000 – Kids Haven
– R5 000 – C.O.N.E.C.K.T
– R25 000 – for 500 masks and 500 pairs of gloves
– R14 000 – sanitizer
– R50 000 – current beneficiaries including Arnold Mhianga, Weston Kamanga, Phronesis Student Development Trust, Tshepiso, George, Raess Eezo, baby Lwanele, Dominic Shillie and Clive Mashishi.

We will be sending R10 000 to The Angel Network in both Cape Town and Durban.

To get involved in any of the above appeals, please contact Glynne on 083 777 1621 or to make a donation CLICK HERE.

Please use Ref sandwiches OR masks OR emergency fund

Without action, the cycle of abuse continues...

The #NOEXCUSE movement has a mission to create social impact in all communities and enable people within them to do the same. The Angel Network is pleased to be included in the Forgood #NOEXCUSE campaign – We call on all our members, donors and beneficiaries to TAKE A STAND against GBV during these 16 Days of Activism. How YOU can make a difference? Whilst we work hard to correct the ills of society, what you can do NOW is donate a RAPE COMFORT PACK – for only R150 ( the cost of a mere 3 cappuccinos) to give a moment of dignity to the victims of this heinous crime! #NOEXCUSE #itsnityourfault #forgood

Our Call To Action For Victims Of Rape & Abuse with Miss World SA, Sasha-Lee Laurel Olivier

A very brave, courageous woman who is a shining light to all of us; Sasha-Lee Laurel Olivier, Miss World SA. Taking her story to a global stage as her Beauty With Purpose initiative, Sasha is taking on fundraising for 10.000 Rape comfort packs. As you all know, we started this initiative a while ago, and now we are so proud to have her take it forward. Please support her with a R120 donation to give a moment of dignity to a victim in their worst moment of need. Thank you Miss World SA, Sasha-Lee and the incredible team behind her and this initiative. You don’t have to be abused to be human, and feel another person’s pain.

The Angel Network has already donated R240,000 for 2,000 RAPE CARE PACKS for victims of Rape and Abuse & we’re looking to our community members & corporates to assist us in doubling our initial donation.

With the recent exposé about rape kits on MNET’s Carte Blanche, we were adamant at The Angel Network to help in any way we could. Sadly with the medical protocol involved, we were led to endless dead ends.

Despite the medical protocol that prevents us from doing more, we have together with Penny Stein – who has been instrumental in fighting this insurmountable cause – donated 2,000 RAPE CARE PACKS to clinics, drop-in centres, police stations & a bunch of very hard-working credible NGOs, who tirelessly work in this dark space daily. Our commitment to these RAPE CARE PACKS will be ongoing & we will be there to assist for as long as it takes. Individually, we cannot address the enormity of this problem, but collectively we can offer the victims of rape and abuse a moment of dignity.

The statistics of rapes in our country are staggering. It’s time we stand up & do something to assist those in this life-shattering crisis, we owe it to ourselves to do the right thing. While we would like to do so much more, we are urging our community members to assist us in this appeal, as we fight to get more heavily involved.

We cannot do this alone. We are asking everyone for their help. Please donate R150 per Pack to add to our 2,000 packs. We would like to double this initial contribution.

We are making up 4 different pack – woman , men, girls and boys – and each pack contains: Tooth brush and Toothpaste, Shower gel, Face cloth, Tissues, Deodorant (men and woman pack), Mouthwash, Comb, Sanitary pads (woman pack), Underwear, Sweets (for sugar), Apple Juice, Personalized note.


Who we've helped to date

In November 2015, the Angel Network was little more than a couple of members on a Whatsapp Group. Today, we’re a large network of members, facilitating and mobilising acts of kindness across the country. We have been instrumental in assisting to feed, clothe, house and educate thousands of orphaned and vulnerable children, and assist those that care for children.


Charities Assisted

People Helped

Donations Received
Become an Angel

Join our large network of members on Facebook and stay up to date with our latest campaigns & projects. We post daily updates.

Join our large network of members on Instagram and view the images of our latest campaigns & projects. We post daily updates.

Be an Angel and make The Angel Network one of your beneficiaries on your My School Card.  A portion of your spend at their over 1,500 partners (Woolworths, Waltons, Engen etc.) will come to The Angel Network at no cost to you!  You can have up to THREE beneficiaries. It’s so easy to make a difference to so many.