Hello everyone. I am a mother of three and also a widow. I lost my husband by the time l was carrying my third child. Life has not been easy for me as l was not working. Since l had a passion for sewing, l got a sewing machine with the help of a certain NPO. Ever since that day life became much easier for me. The little l make with sewing can sustain me and my daughters. I know there are people out there who are in a similar situation as mine. I am willing to give three hours of my busy day and teach them how to sew so that they can make a living out of it. But this can only be possible with your help. Currently we do not have sewing machines so it will be difficult to teach. Therefore l appeal to anyone who has a sewing machine that they no longer need to please give it to us. You might not need that machine but it can change someone’s life as it did mine. Not only am l asking for machine but also fabrics or cotton. I really want to open a center where l can teach people on how to sew. Someone has offered me a place – the challenge is that of sewing machines.

The Angel Network received this post 3 years ago. Since then we have had dozens of sewing machines donated by Sparrow School, set Zah and three ladies up in a sewing academy and provided them with employment. They have been kept extremely busy making thousands of blankets, masks, ponchos, toiletry bags and pencil cases. This is truly giving a hand up. Please consider supporting Zah and her sewing academy by ordering blankets, masks or anything you may require. You won’t be sorry. Let’s support local.