Dear Glynne Wolman: 

I hope this email finds you well. 

I write this email to articulate my gratitude to all the Angels at The Angel Network (you included) for funding my medical school fees. I was jubilant and tearful to open the fee statement (see attached) yesterday while studying to find the balance of R0.00. 

Year after year, having performed well in my studies, I have always been stressed and uncertain about my future of becoming a medical doctor. Mainly because of not having funding. But this year, Angels came to my rescue, a sense of relief and joy. That I can focus on my medical studies (what I enjoy most) without the mental health strain that comes with the lack of funding. All thanks to The Angel Network

The funding has allowed me to continue my studies and hopefully complete medical school in the upcoming years. To help pave the way forward for others and serve society in the healthcare systems of South Africa and Africa at large. I have signed up to be a volunteer on The Angel Network website as a way of being an Angel to others as you have been to me. 

Lastly, I shall send my academic transcript with the end-of-year results in December as soon as they are released and keep you updated on the progress made. 

Thank you once again for being an Angel. I sincerely appreciate the assistance and hope you have a wonderful day further. 


Jeremie Ndongo